Struggling with Healthcare

We are all feeling the pinch of our economics.  It can be stressful. Take a moment to enjoy today. The best things in life come free. YouTube is a wonderful source of free videos for exercising, relaxing, tutorials. Take time to take care of yourself. Try to get that walk in. Try to moisturize your body daily. Try to quit smoking. Try to drink more water. Try to eat food as close to how it is grown. 

We know what is best, but often do the opposite. Just think how much better we feel when we take that time to exercise and eat right. We all benefit when we remember our daily healthy habits. We all benefit when we are kind to one another. We all feel good when we hear and say our polite words to each other. "Hello, how may I help you?" Excuse me." "Please and Thank you." "You are welcome!"

Harmony comes to mind when we think of how we want to be treated and how we treat others. Harmony comes to mind when we think of how we want to feel physically and mentally and what we do to achieve this state of being.

Some things occur that we have no control over. It is those times that we try to gracefully manage and hope there are others there to help. Remember to help others when you can. It is a very good feeling. We feel our best when we take care of ourselves and others.

Healthcare is an active noun, verb, policy, state of being. We can help our own healthcare by taking care of ourselves first, help others when we can, and make our thoughts known to our policy makers. We can improve struggling healthcare by becoming more active in our own healthcare. Take the time to let politicians know struggles in healthcare that are out of our hands.

The take home is take care of yourself. Take an active role in your own healthcare. When things happen that are out of your control and you do not get the help you need, let your policy makers know the struggles. Things may not change right away, but it is an action to start. The more people make their struggles known, the more power behind the action to take place.

Be content and happy with yourself today. Strive to be a good person. Take care of yourself and others. Be a positive role model. Know that your voice matters. You can make a difference. What you think is important. Let your voice be heard.

Peace, Love, and Happiness within us emanates outwards to everyone.
Angela Coleman
Dermatology Care and Wellness Center
Elkton, Maryland


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